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BIPOC Sustainability Collective is a growing Vancouver-based community that supports BIPOC sustainability and climate professionals who have experienced discrimination in the sector. Learn more in this exclusive interview with Rita Steele, Founder, as featured in Make The World Better Magazine.

Meaningful Access Consulting is not only creating accessible spaces for everyone, this organization is also changing how accessibility is viewed, proving it’s a critical part of diversity, equity, and inclusion that impacts us all. Learn more in this exclusive interview with Karin Pasqua, Co-Founder and Accessibility & Universal Design Consultant.

Benevity connects businesses with the resources they need to make a global impact, proving that diversity, equity, and inclusion efforts have the capacity to reach far and wide. Benevity has also deeply embedded DEI into their corporate culture, paving the way by walking their talk. Learn more in this exclusive interview with Janeen Speer, Chief People Officer.

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