Brand Awareness

Cutting through the noise isn’t easy. However, Sparx’s marketing team is skilled at crafting and delivering consistent, compelling, and visually distinctive marketing campaigns that help our clients’ brands stand out from competitors and keep them top of mind with their desired audience through content and collateral.

Advertising Campaigns

Galt Foundation

Making Galt synonymous with staffing

Founded in 1998, Galt Foundation creates positive change by providing, promoting, and expanding employment opportunities for Americans with disabilities across multiple states.

To help raise brand awareness and gain the attention of job seekers with disabilities, Galt turned to Sparx to write copy and design, build ads, monitor and optimize, and conduct comprehensive analytics on an awareness-building and remarketing campaign, which ran on Facebook and Instagram.

Through a refined strategy, the campaign generated over 247,000 impressions, boosted the average click-through rate by 23%, reduced the cost per click by 14.5%, and lowered the bounce rate by 17%. This surge in engagement is a direct response to the campaign's effectiveness. Not only did it captivate and inspire the target audience to further explore Galt's offerings, the heightened visibility served as a solid foundation for future recruitment and engagement initiatives.


Marketing Collateral

Dr. Victoria Hurth

Enhancing a presentation slide deck through graphic redesign

Dr. Victoria Hurth, global expert; thought leader in sustainability, ESG, and purpose governance; and Cambridge Institute for Sustainability Leadership Fellow, works globally at the intersection of academia and hands-on business to help companies become drivers of long-term wellbeing for all (sustainability).

When Dr. Hurth reached out to Sparx to elevate her presentation slide deck, we jumped at the opportunity to take it to the next level. Using brand and style guidelines provided by Dr. Hurth, our design team reimagined this 12-slide deck, redesigning graphics and figures to tie the elements together while maintaining Dr. Hurth’s signature expertise.

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Pacific Services Group

Distinguishing brand personalities with tailored collateral

At the time Pacific Services Group (PSG) engaged us, they were the parent company to two full-service transfer agencies: Pacific Stock Transfer (PST was acquired by Securitize in 2022) and Capital Transfer Agency (CTA). These supporting organizations work behind the scenes to ensure the movement of stocks between buyers and sellers in the stock market functions efficiently and accurately. As a whole, PSG represents thousands of publicly listed companies and services hundreds of thousands of shareholders worldwide.

When PSG wanted to align how it promoted its businesses with the different personalities and stakeholders that each subsidiary serviced, PSG turned to Sparx to fulfill its on-demand requests and create marketing deliverables that were distinct but readily identifiable as being part of the PSG family.

Operating under quick-turnarounds, Sparx delivered marketing collateral and event marketing support that presented each subsidiary’s distinct but interrelated identity, including full-page ads, event banners with scannable QR codes, postcards, branded Zoom Backgrounds, one-pagers, and more.


Galt Foundation

Capturing audience attention with event collateral

Galt Foundation, a staffing agency for people with disabilities in the United States, entrusted Sparx with creating collateral for events that would convey its identity, expertise, and the value job seekers with disabilities bring to the workplace.

Sparx designed a tri-fold brochure to help Galt spotlight its service offerings — which was updated as needed to keep imagery, messaging, and testimonials fresh — along with two retractable banners, one aimed at job seekers to highlight industries Galt serves for hiring and the other banner aimed at employers to showcase the benefits of partnering with Galt for its staffing needs.

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Crafting a campaign around diverse hiring practices in the mining industry

TPD is a recruiting and staffing agency that has provided workforce solutions for over 40 years across both the US and Canada.

When TPD wanted to help mining companies attract and retain crucial roles through essential diversity and inclusion practices, they turned to Sparx. Working alongside TPD, we built a full advertising campaign for promoting diverse hiring practices in mining, including a downloadable guide, landing page, and advertisements which were run across various search engines and social media channels.

Sparx worked within budget to run the campaign successfully, tailoring each element to the desired target audience and geography.

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Work With Us Foundation

Increasing brand awareness through values-aligned collateral

Work With Us Foundation is a charity that provides employment opportunities for Canada's historically-excluded populations and connects employers with diverse, untapped talent.

When they wanted to boost brand awareness and generate marketing collateral that would support their work to build more inclusive and diverse workplaces, Sparx was ready to rise to the challenge. Delivered on time and on budget, Sparx designed and wrote a diversity and inclusion white paper — both print and digitally as a free download on its website — which we promoted via a Sparx-made banner advertisement and displayed on its WWU Diversity & Inclusion events directory blog posts.


Visual Branding

Salish Elements

Delivering a customized design package

Salish Elements is an Indigenous majority-owned company that partners with Indigenous communities to develop green hydrogen projects that respect tradition and nature while bringing fair, equitable economic growth.

Looking to modernize its logo, the team at Salish Elements entrusted Sparx to provide logo design enhancements for maximum visibility and adaptability across diverse platforms, including variations for horizontal, vertical, with/without log, etc. Factoring in colour, font, and outline, Sparx delivered an updated logo that satisfied the client’s needs.

As part of this customized design package, our team also created five custom graphics based on the mockups provided by Salish Elements with the goal of creating a polished, clean, and aesthetically pleasing look in line with its brand. A unique aspect of this project was how technical these graphics were, requiring additional research. After some revisions to get the technical aspects just right, Salish Elements was pleased with the graphics.


The Canadian Securities Exchange

Maintaining a strong and active social media presence

The Canadian Securities Exchange (CSE), also known as the Exchange for Entrepreneurs, has a goal to provide public companies with a combination of cost-efficient access to capital markets and exceptional service.

A trusted partner of the CSE since 2014, Sparx has integrated the CSE’s distinct visual identity and branding to design social media post imagery for updates on the Exchange’s programs, events, listed issuers, podcast, magazine, and company news, as well as holidays and observances.

When the CSE launched a rebrand in 2023, Sparx was quick to adapt, applying the CSE’s new aesthetic and updated tone into all content and visuals across their channels.


Imagin Medical

Building a consistent social media brand presence

Imagin Medical is a publicly-traded medical device technology company, located in Canada and the US, that is seeking to improve the detection of bladder cancer.

Imagin tasked Sparx with helping them build awareness with a variety of stakeholders by enhancing its brand look and feel and revising its social media channels to achieve a consistent brand presence online.

First, we created a custom brand style guide with social media templates, then reported on the performance of various content initiatives and assisted in the creation of collateral, videos, and interviews to thoughtfully tell Imagin Medical’s story. Matching its need for stringent workflows, we published social media posts twice a week, sourcing the information directly, including stats, definitions, Imagin team highlights.


Galt Foundation

Aligning social media visuals with brand identity and audience needs

To express its brand identity online and increase awareness among job seekers and employers, Galt Foundation, a staffing agency for people with disabilities in the United States, turned to Sparx, a trusted partner who understands Galt’s identity well.

Sparx crafted a wide variety of posts for Galt’s social media accounts, including holiday posts, job fairs, career and hiring events, mission-aligned content and social media campaigns, and Galt blog content, all while ensuring visual elements aligned with accessibility requirements and brand style and that Galt’s logo was displayed clearly and effectively.


Website Development

Dr. Victoria Hurth

Elevating a personal branded website to better promote services

Dr. Victoria Hurth helps leaders learn how to build a sustainable world through her roles as a board member, author, speaker, and more. She has cultivated a personal brand for her expertise on her website, which includes pages and sections for her speaking and writing projects, an introduction to Wellbeing & Purpose, and recommended resources.

To empower more people to get on board with the wellbeing economy, Sparx worked with Dr. Hurth on a brand-new website, which included user interface/experience (UI/UX) redesign, copywriting/editing support, graphic design, and implementation, while maintaining Dr. Hurth’s visual branding and core messages.

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Capital Transfer Agency

Developing a distinct website for distinct service offerings

To cement and express Capital Transfer Agency’s identity and service offerings as unique to the rest of Pacific Services Group’s brands and services, Sparx was tasked with building an entire website for Capital Transfer Agency, a leading corporate services firm for pre-IPO and public issuers in Canada and the US

We ensured its distinctive personality shone through while remaining in harmony with Pacific Services Groups overall brand identity, communicating its team’s expertise and wide range of services through visual elements, UI, navigation, and every facet of the website.

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Sparx Trading

Creating a space uniquely designed for self-directed investors

A one-stop resource for self-directed investors, from newbies to seasoned traders, Sparx Trading provides valuable information on the latest news, up-to-date promotions, and educational material within the Canadian online brokerage space.

Seeing a need for unbiased, straightforward information for Canadian self-directed online investors, Sparx Trading was born and became Sparx Publishing Group’s first marketing case study, complete with its own unique branding. To reflect the needs and user experience of DIY investors, the Sparx team built Sparx Trading’s website from scratch, including pages for deals, reviews, and online brokerage profiles, as well as a downtime tracker and ad space.

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Sparx’s Website

Telling the story of who we are and what we do

Communicating our clients’ stories starts with getting it right internally. We created a website that is entirely distinct from our subsidiary, Sparx Trading, while maintaining hallmarks of our brand identity, including our colour scheme and trademark blue X.

Following a revamp, our website has a specific aesthetic: retro futurism, which was chosen as a way to visually communicate our values, mission, voice, and ideals. As we continue to strengthen our brand and dive deeper into the purpose-driven space, we are making changes to create a better user experience and express our work models, services, offerings, and portfolio while maintaining our visual brand identity.

The logo that appears at the top of our website is also a dynamic differentiator, as we use it to reflect our commitment to various purpose-driven observances or seasonal changes throughout key moments of the year.

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Halo by TPD

Presenting a unique tool in a time of crisis

When the onset of COVID-19 changed workplace structure and ushered in the need to maintain strict social distancing, TPD, a recruiting and staffing agency across the US and Canada, asked Sparx to help raise awareness and inform employers of the Halo social distancing wearable.

Sparx designed and built the Halo landing page to effectively communicate the features and benefits of this tool, including through the use of visual assets. We also made copy revisions to boost SEO effectiveness and improve the user experience for those wishing to obtain the Halo wearable.

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Making e-Delivery insights and resources readily accessible

DALBAR is a leading North American financial services market research and consulting firm performing a variety of ratings and evaluations of practices and communications that are committed to raising the standards of excellence in the financial services and healthcare industries.

With the rise in paperless communications, DALBAR needed a brand new landing page to bring in sign-ups for their e-Delivery insights and resources newsletter. Seamlessly aligned with DALBAR’s distinct branding, Sparx developed a landing page for this service that used visually-compelling elements to clearly and effectively communicate its benefits, as well as including the company’s other resources.

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Tagline Development

Grove Corporate Services

Developing a brand-new company tagline

Grove Corporate Services provides full back-end support for private and public companies, including corporate secretarial, financial, marketing, and administrative services. Looking for a new company tagline and support with its brand guidelines, Grove turned to Sparx.

Over the course of roughly two months, the Sparx team completed an audit on brand, service, and target audience; competitive landscape research; and key descriptive word drafting and refining, followed by three rounds of tagline review and revision with key Grove team members. In the end, Sparx successfully came up with a tagline that Grove was excited and proud to use.

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Brand Guidelines

Grove Corporate Services

Creating a brand guidelines document

Grove Corporate Services, which provides corporate secretarial, financial, marketing, and administrative support for private and public companies, needed help devising and designing a new brand guidelines document. Knowing the importance and power of a strong central source of truth for branding, Sparx was eager to assist.

Our design team worked to brainstorm, outline, and ultimately design a new brand guidelines document, which included pages for the new tagline, voice and tone, logo, typography, colour palette, photography, iconography, and brand applications.

Grove was impressed and pleased with the new professional look and organization of the guidelines document.

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