Search Engine Optimization

The ability for potential clients to find you is becoming increasingly more difficult but ever as important. Sparx utilizes our extensive knowledge of search engine optimization (SEO) to create data-driven strategies for our clients to grow their visibility, reach new audiences, and increase website traffic.

Search Engine Optimization Growth


Revamping landing pages and ad campaigns to improve search visibility

TPD is a recruiting and staffing agency that has provided workforce solutions for over 40 years across both the US and Canada.

To continuously improve search visibility, Sparx helps TPD through ongoing technical and on-page SEO optimization efforts. We conduct competitor research to supplement our analytics and determine the best keywords, and we apply this knowledge to revamp webpages, update marketing campaigns, create lookalike pages with crucial keywords, and build fresh content.

With the implementation of our SEO strategy, TPD’s key business pages have seen increased search visibility, resulting in higher levels of organic traffic.

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